MLG Halo Reach has some very awesome weapons, all of them were given intellectual flags by the insight of many great minds.So, without further adieu, here’s the weapons, and even some of the names of the weapons along with where you can find them:
Your basic melee weapon. The basics are that the spartan sword is pretty much your opposites’ melee weapon counterpart, with the blade looking more like a sword than a gun. It has a great range, but short reach, making it an easy kill for your opponent. The Spartan SwordMark project is working towards improving the spartan sword range.
The truth be told, there is no one perfect weapon. Every weapon is good for certain things. For example, the gravity hammer, while having great powers, is terrible against groups of close enemies. The hammer is good at causing damage up close and personal, but towards an opponent that’s moving away from you, the hammer is the worst thing to use. Strength in numbers? Forget it. Another example, the energy sword, great range, but short reach, so bad for close-range play. Same deal with the wings, while you swing that baby with the wings, you’re going to take a hit, the point is, the sword is way to cool for it. Stick with the energy sword.
There are weapons that are very under powered, and very overpowered. Keep in mind, that some might not be overpowered, and might just be a fun weekend warrior sword.
-You will want the epic version of the DMR, the AWP, and the spiked helmet. (That’s right, a helmet that shoots laser beams.)
-If you want to play on a harder difficulty, you can get to silver or bronze level. Keep in mind, bronze is pretty easy, and silver will definitely be a challenge for you, specially with groups of crawlers. The crawlers will be very aggressive, and they will take you down, especially if you’re low on health.
-The flash grenade is a very useful weapon. Use it to make a huge explosion with one shot, or use it to just sneak up behind your enemies and get a cheap kill. The best way to learn how to use the flash grenade is to use it in combination with frags. When you use it combined with frags, it’s much more powerful, although it will vary from situation to situation. Use it to make a combo with your main weapon, then throw in a flash freeze grenade to make the enemy come back to fight you. Or use it just to clean up a group of enemies that you’re about to get killed while clearing a natural area. If you’re going to use it, then make sure you use it smart, not crazy.
-The hustler. Lastly, if you enjoy the idea of buying new weapons with money that’s been earned, then you’ll love this weapon. When you activate it, it spawns money that then becomes spent on the weapon. Therefore, at the completion of each level, you’ll have the option of buying new weapons or upgrading your current weapons.
Overall, I found the campaign to be very over priced, and the single player experience was very short. However, the multiplayer experience was exciting and addicting. It has great replay value in the form of dungarees, and I strongly recommend getting it just to listen to the dialog while you try to get past one of the more annoying obstacles.
James a créé le groupe
MLG Halo Reach Swords il y a 2 ans et 8 mois
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